As a part of Ocean warriors , we initiated a women empowerment program in Pallepalem village, Kothapatnam, Ongole district. There are 6324 fishermen completely dependent on Marine Fisheries. With an unstable economy in fish catch, these families are living under BPL (Below Poverty Line). Most of the women in the fisher community travel several miles to work as a daily labor in various industries to generate extra income.
As a pilot project, we initiated a small scale women empowerment program in Pallepalem fisher community. We have conducted a skill development program to empower the women in the fisher community by making coconut broomsticks for steady income. Now the trained women are able to generate extra income by making the coconut broomsticks from their own houses.
Right Education is very important to lead a sustainable lifestyle. Our Skills development members are given basic education to read and write ! This will help them understand the society better and lead l a sustainable lifestyle .
We need your support to empower and help women of coastal communities .
It’s our ongoing project and we are aiming to empower a minimum of 100 families in the fishermen community with our women empowerment program.